message from the master
My Fraternal Brethren,
As we slowly move forward from the challenges and hardships of the COVID pandemic let us be grateful for our manifold blessings and the opportunity to get back to labor and fellowship at our cherished Temple. I am eternally honored and humbled to have been elected to the East to do my part in trying to keep up Washington’s reputation of excellence and it’s traditions. It is a duty that I do not take lightly. Our officer line is full of bright and enthusiastic brothers more than willing to put in the hard work to keep the lodge thriving. We are very much looking forward to a productive year in Freemasonry.
With lockdowns and restrictions behind us, we are hoping to get back to making good men better and serving our committees. This years focus will be towards the charitable side of Freemasonry. We aim to not just write checks to worthy causes but are looking to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty so to speak, giving our time and energy to those in need of relief.. Washington will focus on a few organizations in our community who have and continue to do work that exhibits the finest principles of Masonry. The Grandmaster of Ohio has charged us with the simple task to “Make Masons” and we are already well on our way to that goal. The brethren of Washington are having fun conferring degrees and enjoying fellowship with brothers we haven’t seen in a while as well as the familiar faces and visitors.
I’d like to personally thank all of the Past Masters and brothers who have came before me for their dedication to the craft and diligence in making Washington what it is today for us all to enjoy. The future of Washington Lodge No. 17 looks very bright and we plan to do all in our power to continue allowing this time honored institution to shine its light. I look forward to working on behalf of the brethren of Washington and meeting any men seeking to receive that light in Masonry. Take care my brothers and as always, let brotherly love prevail.
Jason D. Baynum
Worshipful Master
Washington Lodge No. 17