Worshipful Brother Warren Jacob Pabst
Warren Jacob Pabst, WW I veteran, Soft Drink entrepreneur, owner of Pabst Bottling Company descendant of Jacob Best & Frederick Pabst Inventor of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. The 116th Past Master of Washington Lodge #17.
J. Pabst Sons Company,
Originators of Pabst's Imperial Ginger Ale, 1916
"The J. Pabst Sons Company, bottlers of all kinds of pure carbonated and still drinks, and dealers in cidar and vinegar, was organized by Jacob Pabst, Sr., in 1876, and was incorporated under the above name in 1882. From the beginning the motto of the firm has been "Purity and Superiority." Realizing the great demand in this community for a high-grade distilled water, the firm installed an Aerox Polar Water Still and is now supplying distilled water for drinking and other purposes.
The company manufactured a full line of carbonated drinks and with special pride points to Imperial Ginger Ale which has won a wide reputation. Other drinks made by the firm and which are used to quench the thirst of thousands of persons are Grape Soda, Orange Soda, Cream Soda, Lemon Soda, Sarsaparilla, Cherry, and Champagne Mist. The firm is also the bottler of the famous Sher-A-Coca. This is highly recommended for indigestion and other gastric derangements, rheumatism, gout, and liver complaint. . ."
The J. Pabst Company was also the first bottlers of Pepsi Cola in the area beginning in 1910. They ceased operations in the early 1970’s. WB Pabst lived off of New London Road. I used to mow his grass and do yard work for him when I was a small child. Today we salute him for his service in freemasonry! Our Washington lodge has a rich history of prominent people that served their community.
WB Pabst is buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Hamilton, Ohio.