Worshipful Brother DR. Samuel Bayless, MD
Worshipful Brother Doctor Samuel Bayless MD. The First Butler County Coroner, Elected Sergeant Of Arms of The Ohio Senate In 1830, Father of Most Worshipful Brother Solomon Bayless PGM of Masons in Indiana 1857-59. And the 4th Worshipful Master of Washington Lodge #17. WB Bayless was a devout Freemason and served as Master six times. He remained in Hamilton until he moved with his family to Troy, Ohio in 1825, He affiliated with Franklin Lodge #14 and there raised his son as a Master Mason and died In 1848. WB Brother Bayless is Buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Troy, Ohio. His Son MWB Solomon Bayless Has a Masonic Lodge Named in his honor. Sol. D. Bayless Lodge No. 359 F.&A.M of which Sol D. Bayless Lodge boasts many great men in their history; prominent business men, doctors, lawyers, and others. One of the most famous brothers is the late Dave Thomas, of Wendy’s Hamburger fame. He was initiated as a Freemason in the Temple and was a member of their lodge until he passed away in 2002. And just think, this all started from Washington Lodge #17. The attached photo is of MWB Solomon Bayless. I was unable to locate a photo of his father.